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What you need to know

We need to understand and measure the total costs of the domestic transport system and the cost burden facing transport users so we can make effective transport policies.

Total costs comprise of the total costs of the transport system and its use - total costs mean the financial, economic, social, safety, health and environmental costs. Transport user costs burden are financial payments made to use the transport system. These payments include vehicle operating costs and direct charges such as freight rates or passenger fares.

Collecting information and data helps us to understand the costs associated with different transport modes and how those costs compare with the charges paid by transport users.

The work to date

Jun 2023

Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study Report released

This Domestic Transport Costs and Charges study aims to improve our understanding of the costs of the provision and use of New Zealand’s domestic transport system. It also looks at costs relative to the charges or burdens facing transport users to improve our understanding of the economic, environmental and social costs associated with different domestic transport modes and movement types.

More information and related documents
Dec 2019–Present

Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study commissioned

The Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study (DTCC) aims to improve our understanding of the costs of the New Zealand transport system, including road, rail and coastal shipping (domestic passenger aviation was subsequent removed from the scope due to Covid), on the country’s economy, environment and population. It also looks at costs relative to the charges or burdens facing transport users.

More information and related documents
May 2018–Jul 2011

Understanding Transport Costs and Charges Project completed

We commissioned Hyder Consulting to collect information to help us understand the effect of transport costs and charges

More information and related documents

Related work