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Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Parking and Towage and Storage Fee Amendments

This release includes:

  • Briefing OC240220 Options to progress fee updates 
  • Meeting notes – Land Transport Fees Regulatory Amendment Package issues – for discussion on 25 March 2024
  • Amending the scope of the fees review package to make non-CPI adjustments
  • OC240347 Briefing - Ministerial consultation on fees and penalties
  • OC240345 Land Transport Regulation Amendments – Updating fees and penalties
  • Cabinet talking points - Land Transport Regulation Amendments Updating Fees and Penalties
  • EXP-24-MIN-0027
  • CAB-24-MIN-0220
  • OC240687 Land Transport Fees Amendments Targeted consultation on implementation of new fee levels 
  • Parking infringements and towage and storage fees increase PR - Minister Brown
  • OC240722 Progressing the Land Transport Regulation Amendments - Updating Fees and Penalties
  • OC240792 - Further advice on the infringement fee for misuse of mobility parking spaces
  • OC240878 - Approval of legislative changes to update land transport fees
  • OC240951 - Land Transport Amendment Regulations 2024 (Fees Updates) - LEG Paper
  • LEG-24-MIN-0158
  • CAB-24-MIN-0320
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Cabinet paper - Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024 Post-Consultation Report Back

Post consultation report back to Cabinet Economic Policy Committee on the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Cover briefing - Final Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Signed briefing on the final Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Final Regulatory Impact Statement - Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Analysis produced for the purpose of informing the signing of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Summary of submissions - Draft Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

A summary of submissions received during consultation on the draft Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Cabinet Expenditure Committee minute - Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Cabinet Expenditure and Regulatory Review Committee Minute of Decision on the draft Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2024

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Weekly Reports to the Minister and Associate Minister of Transport for July 2024

These are Weekly Reports to the Minister of Transport and Associate Minister of Transport, containing regular updates on the Ministry's work programme and other key information. 

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Weekly Reports to the Minister and Associate Minister of Transport for June 2024

These are Weekly Reports to the Minister of Transport and Associate Minister of Transport, containing regular updates on the Ministry's work programme and other key information. 

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Weekly Reports to the Minister and Associate Minister of Transport for May 2024

These are Weekly Reports to the Minister of Transport and Associate Minister of Transport, containing regular updates on the Ministry's work programme and other key information. 

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Vote Transport baseline savings

This release includes:

  • Draft Vote Transport Baseline Savings Proposal – To Minister
  • Vote Transport Baseline Savings Proposal – Revised 29 January 2024
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 11 Oct 2024

Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction

This release includes:

  • Cabinet paper
  • Cabinet Legislation Committee minute LEG-24-MIN-0146
  • Cabinet minute CAB-24-MIN-0269
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 20 Sep 2024

Request to use a section of State Highway One for Film Production

This release includes. 

    • Cabinet Paper - Request to Use a Section of State Highway One For Film Production.
    • ECO-24-MIN-0166
    • CAB-24-MIN-0315
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 16 Sep 2024

Regulatory Impact Statement: An Increase in Annual Motor Vehicle Licence Fees

Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 12 Sep 2024

Severe weather response readiness, resilience, and recovery correspondence

  • Correspondence on the Budget 2024 severe weather response readiness, resilience, and recovery initiative.
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 12 Sep 2024

Vote Transport Budget 2024 Advice

  1. OC231015 – Further information on Vote Transport initiatives expected to be considered in the Mini Budget – briefing
  2. OC231040 – Vote Transport fiscal cliffs and cost pressures – aide memoire
  3. OC231040 – Fiscal cliffs and cost pressures on committed projects in Vote Transport – aide memoire attachment
  4. OC231056 – Returning and reallocating transport choices funding – briefing
  5. OC231061 – Budget 2024: Development of a Vote Transport Budget package and baseline savings proposal – briefing
  6. OC240036 – Additional Budget 2024 information – aide memoire
  7. OC240075 – Budget 2024: Proposed Vote Transport package for submission – briefing
  8. OC240117 – Capital Pipeline Review – briefing
  1. OC240209 – Budget 2024 bilateral meeting advice – briefing
  2. OC240209 – Attachment 1: Budget 2024 Vote Transport package – briefing attachment
  3. OC240209 – Attachment 2: Budget 2024 rail portfolio view – briefing attachment
  4. OC240213 – Vote Transport Budget 2024 technical package – briefing
  5. Budget 2024: Information for follow-up meeting with the Minister of Finance – memo
  6. Options to utilise residual reprioritisation funding – memo
  7. Ministerial letter for Budget 2024 Initial Baseline Exercise Submissions – letter
  8. Annex 1: Budget 2024 Initial Baseline Exercise summary template for Vote Transport – letter attachment
  9. Minister’s meeting with officials (12 February 2024) – memo
  10. Hon Simeon Brown to Hon Nicola Willis (Budget 2024 reply) – letter
  11. Technical Budget package – aide memoire
  12. OC240374 – Expectations on KiwiRail and the rail network – aide memoire
  13. OC240571 – Improving conditions for bus drivers – aide memoire
  14. Budget 24 additional proposals – memo
  15. Budget 24 additional proposals – MoT changes – memo
  16. OC240357 – Baseline savings programme – briefing
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 12 Sep 2024

GPS 2024 proactive release part 2

  • Briefing – OC240306 – Draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024) summary of feedback from public consultation
  • Aide memoire – OC240257 – Aide memoire: Additional information on potholes
  • Briefing – OC240403 – Confirming changes to the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024
  • Briefing – OC240462 – GPS 2024: Additional information on activity classes
  • Briefing – OC240447 – Updated GPS 2024 and draft Cabinet paper
  • Briefing – OC240516 – Draft GPS 2024 and Cabinet paper: Approval for Departmental, Ministerial and coalition consultation
  • Cabinet paper – Releasing the Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024-34
  • Email – RE: Cabinet paper - Draft GPS 2024 for public consultation - for initial review - updated version to be provided on Tuesday, 30 January 2024
  • Attachment – advice on activity class definitions and ranges, revenue modelling assumptions, Crown investments, and rail investment.
  • Attachment – Indicative activity class funding deep dive (ranges as at January 29), GPS funding package breakdown, and farebox revenue advice.
  • Attachment – GPS funding package breakdown
  • Email - GPS additional advice 7/2
  • Attachment - Public transport funding share vs farebox revenue spreadsheet
  • Attachment - Indicative Activity Class funding deep dive (ranges as at February 7)
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 12 Sep 2024

GPS 2024 proactive release part 1

  • Briefing - OC230887 – Seeking direction on draft GPS 2024
  • Briefing - OC230611 – Advising on cost pressures in the land transport investment programme
  • Tier 2 BIM – Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024)
  • Briefing - OC231033 – GPS 2024: Strategic priorities, proposed activity classes, funding ranges, and precommitments
  • Briefing - OC231060 – Initial draft of the Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024
  • Aide memoire - OC240001 – Aide memoire: Meeting with the Minister of Finance on the Government Policy Statement on land transport
  • Aide memoire - OC240002 – Aide memoire: Additional information to support the development of GPS 2024
  • OC240011 – Seeking agreement for Departmental Consultation
  • Aide memoire - OC240040 – Aide memoire: Further information to support GPS 2024
  • OC240127 – Cabinet paper for lodgement and departmental feedback
  • Cabinet paper – Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 – release of draft for public consultation
  • Briefing – OC240142 – GPS 2024: Consultation launch plan
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 09 Sep 2024

Reform of the design, construction and equipment maritime rules for the domestic commercial fleet


Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 09 Sep 2024

Proactive release of advice relating to the changes to the Clean Car Importer Standard 2024

These documents relate to the changes made to the Clean Car Importer Standard.

  • Briefing - OC231156 Proposed timetable and approach for the 2024 Clean Car Standard’s CO2 targets review
  • Briefing - OC240160 Update on the work related to the Clean Car Standard
  • Briefing - OC240279 Clean Car Importer Standard: Budget Night Legislation
  • Cabinet paper - OC240280 Clean Vehicle Standard – Budget night Legislation
  • Some other correspondence between Ministry of Transport and the Office of the Minister of Transport with respect to the review of the Clean Car Standard
Proactive release
Proactive release
Published 06 Sep 2024

Civil Aviation Act 2023 Implementation

Description - This release includes. 
•    Cabinet Paper - Civil Aviation Act 2023: Implementation
•    Independent reviews of the Director of Civil Aviation's decisions – Consultation Document
•    ECO-24-MIN-0128
•    CAB-24-MIN-0277

Proactive release